Crystal Win​gs
"for the love of honey bees"
Product Prices
Product Prices

Deluxe Starter Beekeeping Kit
Deluxe Starter Beekeeping Kit
Painted & Assembled - Includes: Deluxe Bottom board, 2 Deep Hive Bodies, 2 medium Supers, 20 Deep Frames, 20 Medium Frames, 20 Sheets Deep Premier Foundation, 20 Sheets Medium Premier Foundation, Inner Cover, Deluxe Telescoping Cover

Deluxe Starter Beekeeping Kit
Deluxe Starter Beekeeping Kit
Unassembled - Includes: Deluxe Bottom board, 2 Deep Hive Bodies, 2 medium Supers, 20 Deep Frames, 20 Medium Frames, 20 Sheets Deep Premier foundation, 20 Sheets Medium Premier Foundation, Inner Cover, Deluxe Telescoping Cover

Wax Dipped & Assembled -Select -Wood - Includes: Deluxe Bottom board, 2 Propola select Deep Hive Bodies, 2 medium Pura Select Supers, 20 Deep Frames, 20 Medium Frames, 20 Sheets Deep Premier Foundation, 20 Sheets Medium Premier Foundation, Inner Cover, Deluxe Telescoping Cover

Standard Starter Beekeeping Kit
Standard Starter Beekeeping Kit
Painted & Assembled - Includes: Standard Bottom board, 2 Deep Hive Bodies, 2 medium Supers, 20 Deep Frames, 20 Medium Frames, 20 Sheets Deep Premier Foundation, 20 Sheets Medium Premier Foundation, Inner Cover, Standard Telescoping Cover

Standard Starter Beekeeping Kit
Standard Starter Beekeeping Kit
Unassembled - Includes: Standard Bottom board, 2 Deep Hive Bodies, 2 medium Supers, 20 Deep Frames, 20 Medium Frames, 20 Sheets Deep Premier Foundation, 20 Sheets Medium Premier Foundation, Inner Cover, Standard Telescoping Cover

Budget - 2 Deep Brood Box kit - assembled
assembled - Includes: Standard Bottom board, 2 Deep Hive Bodies, 20 Deep Frames,, 20 Sheets Deep Premier Foundation,, Inner Cover, Standard Telescoping Cover
a Smoker (domed & Vented}
Hive Tool, 0ne Gallon Frame Feeder, Vented sheep Skin Beekeeping Glove & A Standard Beekeeping Suit. For $168.70